Cookie policy

With users' consent we employ cookies and similar tools on our website to improve its performance and enhance our users' experience. The data collected by the cookies used on this site do not enable us to identify specific users. There are, however, identifiable data (such as IP addresses) that are collected by certain third party cookies, such as those used by Google. In these cases, Gesconsulting - Serviços Especializados de Gestão, Lda, only has access to the data duly processed in order to enable statistical analysis, without being able to identify individual users. You can, however, delete and/or disable cookies previously stored on your device.

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that a web system installs on your computer or mobile device when you visit it. These files allow the website to "remember" your actions and preferences over a period of time, including your username, language choice, character size and other display settings. This is why, when you scroll through the pages of a site or return to a site you have already visited, you do not, in principle, have to re-enter your preferences.

Certain cookies contain personal information - for example, if you click on "remember me" when logging in, a cookie will store your username and/or access permissions. Most cookies do not collect information that would identify users, and are limited to collecting information of a more general nature such as where users arrive at the site from, or the non exact location of the user.

Generally speaking, the data collected by the cookies used on this website do not enable us to identify specific users. There are, however, identifiable data collected by certain third-party cookies, such as, for example, the cookies used by Google. In these cases, Gesconsulting - Serviços Especializados de Gestão, Lda, only has access to the data duly processed in order to enable statistical analysis, without being able to identify individual users.

What are cookies used for?
Most of the cookies used by this website are essential cookies or strictly necessary for the functioning of the site. Examples of these types of cookies are: user input cookies; authentication cookies; cookies from multimedia content playback software.

Certain cookies contain personal information - for example, if you click on "remember me" when you log in, a cookie will store your username and/or access permissions. Most cookies do not collect information that would identify users, and are limited to collecting information of a more general nature such as where users arrive at the site from, or the non exact location of the user.

How can you manage cookies?
You can delete all cookies already installed on your computer or mobile device or activate an option available in most browsers that prevents their installation. But if you do so, you may have to manually set some preferences every time you visit a site, and you run the risk of disabling certain services and features:
- Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari